In the wake of Hyderabad city police trying to arrest the assailants who attacked Old city MLA Akbaruddin owaisi this gruesome video of a person who attacked him and running from the scene was captured probably in a mobile, is being aired on local T.V channels
The above video is from one of leading TV Telugu channels, people are shocked who the enemies attacked MLA and escaped from the site in the day light when every one was seeing.later Akbaruddin was rushed to Local hospital here in his car,but by them the video suggest Akabaruddin Owaisi already had multiple injuries from gun shots and stabbing .
who is Been treated in Care Hospital for multiple injuries doctors already said 3 bullets from the body of Akbaruddin were removed, mean while it is said around 6 people involved in the attack have surrendered to the Hyderabad city police .T.V channels are airing a horrifying video footage where one can see the attackers being escaped from the spot after attacking MLA leaving him the pool of blood .He was later taken to hospital in his vehicle, shockingly in the video we can also see Police personnel around him while attack took place.
Click here to Read about how,when and why the Attack took place
Lets pray for Speedy recover of Akbarudin Owaisi , May Allah bless him with strength to cope with the physical suffering he is going through.
thank you